Friday, November 30, 2012

Resentment will take you down - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show Podcast - 8/11/12


  • Some people think it drives them.  It's like using gasoline.  It keeps your car going, but it ruins the environment, and costs you tons of money.  If you do something because you love it, there's no cost.
  • What are the consequences of your resentment?  What are your alternatives?
  • Acknowledge the part that you're playing in it.  How are you contributing to the situation?  Look at what it's costing you.
  • Set boundaries.  You have to protect yourself.  
  • Resentment is a waste of energy, time, and happiness.  Live in the light!  :-)
Negative Feedback - Tara Mohr came on to talk about negative feedback.
  • Women are more affected by negative feedback.  Women's ideas about themselves changed because of the negative feedback.
  • It's important to be able to endure negative feedback.  If you're living your authentic life, people will give negative feedback because they want you to conform more.  If you're vocal, or doing something important, people will give you negative feedback.
  • Feedback tells you about the person giving the feedback.  It doesn't tell you about you.  It's not about dismissing them, but it's giving you information about the people you want to reach and influence.  You can use the feedback to fine tune and rework the project that you're working on.
  • Remember that there are lots of possible truths.  Brainstorm about twenty different stories behind that feedback.
  • Carol Dweck - What is the effect of praise on children.  It's important to reward for persistence and effort.  If you just praise for a job well done, it can be paralyzing.
  • Expect to get negative feedback.  Go on Amazon and look up your favorite authors.  Look at the 5 star reviews, and look at 0 star reviews.  Everyone has negative feedback.
  • Ten Rules for Brilliant Women - Free download by Tara Mohr.  Get it on her website:
Snack Shockers!
  • Five Starburst = 100 calories.  That's 15-20 minutes of exercise.
  • Four Hershey's Kisses = 100 calories
  • Four Tootsie Rolls = 100 calories
  • Eight Dots = 100 calories
  • Nine Whoppers = 100 calories
  • People don't realize how many of these little things add up
  • Monster Bacon and Beef Cheeseburger with Onion Rings at IHOP = 1900 calories.  That's more than most people should be eating in a day.
  • You can still eat a burger, but not have it be so many calories.  If you make things at home, you can control the calories more.
  • Be savvy and think about how many calories you're eating without realizing it.  Think about how  long you'll have to work out.  Are five Starburst worth 15 minutes of exercise to you?
Four Fitness Tools to Help You Condition Your Core
  • Medicine Ball - Janice thought this was funny.  You're rotating, bending, and doing things that make you use your core.
  • Free weights - Dumbbells - Overhead dumbbell walks.  You target your shoulder and force your torso to stabilize.
  • Resistance bands
  • Kettle bells - Janice warns that doing kettle bells in a cramped spot can be dangerous.  
Jillian also answered an email about exercise headaches, Sometimes caffeine can help.  Try having EBoost before your workout.  She answered another email from a former dancer that wants to reduce her thighs.  Eat less, and do a lot of endurance running if that's what you really want.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Finding the human connection - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show - 8/18/12

Importance of being compassionate and seeing the world through someone else's eyes.  Sometimes its best to sacrifice a little to put others at ease.  You're not compromising your own happiness.

Caffeine As A Fitness Performance Enhancer

  • Counteracts the effect of adenosine, which relaxes the nervous system.  
  • Makes your nervous system more sensitive.  You have more speed, agility, alertness.
  • Takes 30-60 minutes for it to enter your system and take an effect
  • Half of the caffeine in your system is gone in 4-6 hours.
  • 75% of the caffeine is gone in 6-7 hours.
  • Go up to 200 mg.  Over 200 mg will make you overstimulated.
  • Get the caffeine in 40-60 minutes before your workout.
  • Take the least amount you can and still notice a difference.
  • If using coffee, make sure it's organic.  A strong, tall cup of coffee is about 200 mg.  A shot of espresso is about 80 mg.
  • If you're competing in an endurance race, you could take more caffeine about an hour into the event.  ONLY for endurance sports.
  • EBoost - Jillian is amazed with it.  All natural.  Has electrolytes, so it's a recovery drink too, along with the caffeine.  Flavored with Stevia.  Clean energy.  Has vitamins and immunity boosters.  160 mg of caffeine per packet.
Deciphering Food Labels
  • "Local" - Doesn't mean it's healthy.  It means you're saving the environment because it doesn't take as much in fossil fuels to make it to your grocery store.  Don't presume it's organic -  ask.
  • Organic - no preservatives, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics.  It costs a lot to get organically certified
  • Gluten Free - Gluten affects people with celiac disease.  If you don't have celiac disease, you don't need to buy gluten free food.   They are higher in calories, have less fiber, and are more expensive.
  • Trans-Fat-Free - Food could still have trans fat in it, but if there's not enough, it could be labeled as trans-fat-free.  If it says 0 grams trans fats.  If you see hydrogenated anything on the label, don't buy it!  They can round down on the serving sizes.  
  • Whole Grain - It has to say 100 percent whole grain.  If not, they could just put a little bit of whole grain in the food and label it as whole grain.
  • Good source of _____.  - Could just be ten to twenty percent of the recommended daily allowance.
Good Way to Get into the Fitness Industry
  • AFFA is straightforward.  It doesn't make you miserable.  It's manageable, and the courses are great.  NASM, ACE, ACSM are all good.
  • Do you want to get a personal training certification, group exercise certification, or both?
  • Go to some fitness expos.  You will find all of the different group exercise people there.  What group exercise do you want to teach?  Sign up for that course.
  • Jillian is coming up with a group exercise class called Body Shred.  If you take that class, it will count toward recertification.
  • Read the trade magazines - Shape, Women's Health, Men's Health.  Men's Health is really good. The trade magazines are an easy read.
  • PubMed - Read the latest studies on exercise and diet.  When you like something, study it and read it all the way through.  Find out who funded the studies.
  • Pick a gym in your area that you like.  Start working your way into working at the gym freelance.
  • Get insurance.  Make every person that you train sign a waiver.
When Your Partner Doesn't Want You To Lose Weight
  • Try to get him/her to open up about why
  • Ask for partner's support - don't bring bad foods in house
  • Communicate very clearly, directly about what you want and what you need
  • Reassure and validate him/her
  • If after several attempts this doesn't work, you have a very serious decision to make.  
Ended the show with a short discussion about bras.  :-)

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Denying that Anger Exists in Your Life - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show - 11/24/12


A lot of people, especially women, deny it.  Women tend to internalize it, and men tend to externalize it.  Anger is a normal human emotion.  You should have feelings of anger.  It's what you do with it that matters.  People worry that they'll destroy people if they express their anger, so they suppress their anger.  You're not going to kill anyone with your feelings.  Acknowledge that you have these feelings and let them breathe.  Sit with your feelings for a moment, and your fear of the feelings will go away.

Ways to Handle Your Anger

  • Go to the gym.  Take a boxing class or a cross fit class.  Go for a run.
  • Write a letter.  Don't do it on email.  Write a hand-written letter.  It takes the edge off and allows you to think rationally.  Then, identify the causes of the anger and come up with ways to deal with the anger.
  • If you can't be constructive, go back to your ways to get the anger out.
  • Think through your impulsive response.  Condition yourself to do it.
  • Anger is feelings that are not being communicated.  
  • If it seems like way to much to handle, get some counseling.

Jillian puts three or four workouts on a solo DVD so you don't do the same thing over and over again.  If you always do the same thing, you can plateau or get injured.  Body Revolution is ideal because you rest the muscle for two days before you train it again.  On the single DVDs, she tries to mix it up too.

  • Don't take a NSAID.  It's the worst for recovery.  They inhibit your body's ability to repair itself. They're great for pain, but terrible for your body and recovery.  It's also bad for your liver, kidney, stomach.
  • Ice immediately after you train to reduce inflammation.  Janice thinks this would be especially bad for men.
  • Massage - Ten minutes of massage immediately after a workout has been shown to have the best recovery results.  If you don't have a masseuse, get a foam roller and roll it out.  It hurts, but it really helps the recovery.
  • Ginger - Eat an ounce of ginger an hour before and after you train.  Fresh ginger, or the ginger chews you can find on Amazon.
Getting Back On Track

Jillian took a call from a lovely young lady who is about to lose her father.  She's been taking care of her family, and has let her health go.  She wants to know how she can get back on track. 

The way to maintain your weight is to create balance.  If you create a 3000 calorie deficit, you get to eat 3000 calories if you aren't trying to lose weight.  Just don't eat Doritos.  Eat good foods.

Feel good hormones will come from workouts.  Smoking will be contradictory to the behavior of working out.  Find ways to distract yourself that are life-affirming instead of self-destructing.

The American Cancer Society website has quitting smoking strategies on the website.  They may have a hotline too.  See which strategy seems more palatable to you.

Nurture yourself and take care of yourself.

Fitness for Kids

You want kids to work with their own body weight.  You don't want them to lift weights.  Play outside, hike, go to the playground, chase them around.  Keep it fun.

Shoes - little kicks!  K-Swiss has shoes for little kids.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Holding Yourself Back by Playing Back Your Old Story - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Podcast - 11/17/12

Where is your belief about who you are and what you're capable of limiting your potential?

  • The pain of where you're at has to outweigh your fear of change.  
  • How painful is it to sell yourself short?  
  • If you do fail, it's just an entry point for learning, not a validation that you're not good.  
  • Where can you do more and be more?  How is selling yourself short hurting you?  
  • Incentivize yourself to take baby steps to open up a door to a different possibility.  
  • The more small successes you have, the stronger you'll become to take the bigger steps needed for change.
Food Fraud - Things that you think are healthy, but they're fattening!
  • Caesar Salad - Just the salad dressing itself has 300-400 calories.  About 30 grams of fat.  Add cheese,'s a disaster.  Get light cheese with dressing on the side, and skip the croutons.  Croutons are bread covered in butter in oil.
  • Smoothies - Have about 500 calories each.  Take it easy.  Jillian lets her daughter have smoothies, specifically "The Hulk."  If you have a kid with a weight problem, don't do it.
  • Energy Bar - Fat is stored energy.  An energy bar can be 300-400 calories.  Even a 200 calorie energy bar is a lot of calories.  It would have to be your whole snack.   Janice thinks that some of the healthy ones taste like hay.  
  • Chipotle - sustainable.  A chicken burrito is about 1000 calories.  Instead, get the fajitas and light oil.  Or get fish tacos and take one of the corn tortillas off the tacos.  Don't eat the chips.
  • Vitamin Water - loaded with calories.  Watch to see how many servings are in each bottle.  Some of them are 2.5 servings at 50 calories per bottle.  It ends up being 150 calories.  
  • Turkey versions of food - There is just as much fat in the turkey version.  Read the label and check the calories.  Check the ingredients.  Just because something is turkey, doesn't mean it's healthy.  Look for nitrate free, chemical free, and then look at the calories.
  • Bran muffin - Five hundred calories.  You can get smaller ones or lower fat ones, or eat just half, but it's still not great for you.
  • Light Olive Oil - Has the same amount of fat as Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • Baked Beans, Cole Slaw - Jillian doesn't appreciate it when people bring this stuff to her potluck parties.  Count the calories!

You should not eat while at your desk.  It's bad for overeating, and you still feel deprived.  You need lunch time to decompress.  Take some time for yourself.

Training with an injury - Will you lose fitness by stopping training?

  • Cardiovascular conditioning - It takes about three months to use it if you're an advanced athlete.  A beginner would lose conditioning quicker.
  • Muscle strength - Disuse atrophy can start after 72 hours.  Muscles you use more often won't atrophy as  quickly.

Janice talked about her first professional gig as a can-can dancer.  Jillian talks about how she has taken living in the USA for granted.  She also talks about how other annoying moms brought Doritos to a party instead of Pop Chips, and how a four-year-old called her out for bringing cupcakes.  Jillian gives her kiddo Unreal candy instead of the regular candies.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mom Empathy & Machine Throw-Down - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Podcast - 2/25/12

Jillian went to Haiti and visited her daughter and realized how tough and wonderful it is to be a mom.  Very entertaining and sweet segment.  A must-hear for parents.

Fat Melting Tips - Things that Jillian tells reporters when they want to know what readers can do to get more healthy NOW.
  • Throw out your junk food
  • Take a cat nap
  • Drink water - will make you healthier five minutes from now.  :-)  
    • Helps flush toxins from body and boosts energy level.  
    • Makes cells take up glucose more efficiently and improves metabolism. 
    • Hydration helps your cells function properly.  
    • When your blood is more hydrated, your cells release more fat.  It's called lipolysis.  Janice loved that word.

Machine Throw-Down - How to choose between two similar pieces of equipment at the gym.  Some equipment is more efficient than others.  You want a machine that makes you use your muscles the way you would use it
  • 45-degree-angle back extension bench vs. Pin-Selected - use your own body weight, and you recruit glutes, hamstrings, calves, and lower back.
  • Hamstring curl where you lay down vs. one where you sit up - Laying down requires you to utilize more of your glutes and calves.  You synergize more of your muscle groups.
  • Pec deck vs. Cable Cross Over - Cable Cross Over is better - you choose the path of motion and it forces your body to use triceps, shoulders, core strength, and you have to stabilize at the same time you push the weight forward.  If you're an extreme beginner the pec deck is better.

Hot or Cold Day - Take an inventory of how you're feeling when you're doing different activities or jobs.  Always think about stopping in the middle of your day to think about how you're feeling so you can course correct and shift.  Try to be as present as possible.

Body Revolution - Designed to take a lot of weight off of people.  If you don't have weight to lose, you need to up your calories.  

Wheat - It's a high glycemic index food.  You don't want to make it a huge part of your diet, but you don't want to cut it out either.  Going organic will help.  Lectin might block leptin receptors, which helps us fight hunger.  Jillian eats Ezekiel muffins.  She has wheat in her foods.  If you consume wheat with veggies, protein, etc., it's better.  Someone is writing a new diet book and stirring the pot about wheat...  Wheat isn't a superfood, but it's not the end of the world if you eat it.

360 Weight Loss Navigator - Body Media Fit Armband.  Goes on your upper arm and tracks calories burned, sleep efficiency, etc.  You can log your food.  Jillian can create a program for you, and then the armband sends her information.  Jillian will send you messages that tell you how to course correct.  Sort of like the old Body Buggs.  Costs $180.

Fart sounds abound at the end of the show.  Not to be missed!

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jillian's personal health kick - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show - 10/13/12

Yikes!  Jillian is tired of being sick, and she's on a health kick.  Here are some of the supplements she's taking to stay healthy:

  • Brain On - green blue algae
  • Multivitamins
  • Probiotics
  • Macro greens - chocolate flavored, mixed into water.  
Foods that Boost your Fitness Performance 
"Getting the extra edge" that will help you work out harder.  Supplements can help, and Jillian recommends EBoost, which is a supplement/drink she invested in.  However, you can use these foods to help boost your performance.  Jillian says that it's all about increasing the oxygen delivery to your muscles.
  • Beets - you can bake beets and have two of them as a snack or blend them into a smoothie.  The nitrates help your blood vessels dilate which increases oxygen delivery to muscles
  • Red apples, berries, or purple grapes -  They have corsitin in them, and help you absorb oxygen better.  If the berries aren't organic, Jillian recommends skipping them because they have so many pesticides on them.
  • Wild Caught Salmon/Fish Oil/DHA if you're vegan - Helps you metabolize oxygen.
  • Iron - Spinach with Vitamin C on it.  If you're not vegan, have a piece of grass-fed beef once a week.  Increases the red blood cell count and helps with delivery of oxygen.  
  • Eggs - good source of ATP.  Eat the whole egg.  Eggs raise your good cholesterol.  It's almost a complete food, but lacks vitamin C. Only 80 calories in an egg.
Based on the information above, here's a perfect day's meal:
  • Breakfast - Eggs, raspberries, toast if you want
  • Lunch - Salmon
  • Snack - Red Apple with some almond butter
  • Dinner - Grass fed beef.  Put your beets in a salad with goat cheese.  

Jillian and Janice also chatted about Prop 37 in California, Kineseo Tap, Chocolate Milk not being a good recovery drink, and responded to an email question about yet another book written by someone that says you can't control your calories in, calories out.  Sheesh.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Show that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


I'm a big fan of the Jillian Michaels Show podcast.  I listen to it while I'm walking, when I'm in the car, and pretty much whenever I'm on the go.  The podcast is awesome, hilarious, and informative.  In fact, it's so informative, that I find myself wishing I could remember many of the recommendations that Jillian makes during the show.  So, I decided to create this site so I could make note of Jillian's great advice, and also help out my fellow Jillian Michaels fans.

Please note that this site should not take place of actually listening to the podcast (as if!).  The podcast is  entertaining and inspiring.  This site is meant to be a supplement to the show that will help out those like me that have a tough time remembering the lists, websites, and product recommendations from the show.

To download the Jillian Michaels Show podcast, click here.  It's free!

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.