Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dealing With Snotty Nose Season: Motivating Your Kids. Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show Podcast.

This podcast was posted on January 21, 2013.

Jillian's son has croup.  :-(    Adults that have kids are 53 percent less likely to get sick.

Ways to avoid getting sick:

  1. Vitamin C and Zinc.  Has been shown to kill a virus because it makes an acidic environment.  Take 1000 mg of Vitamin C every two hours when you're sick.  You will poo like crazy because it's not easy on the digestive system.  Zicam is good for zinc.
  2. Oxacillin. Take it when you're about to get sick, under the tongue.
  3. Elderberry Extract.  Helps to kill a virus.  Zand brand makes elderberry lozenges.
  4. Honey.  Antimicrobial.  Under a year old, children can't have honey.  Get raw, unpasteurized honey.  Don't get the major high fructose corn syrup honey.  Get the real stuff.
  5. First Defense.  For kids.  Has the zinc and tastes sweet.
  6. Garlic.  For toddlers, it's very antimicrobial. Cook it up and put it in their food.
  7. Saline.  Salt kills everything.  Saline spray in your nose is great.
  8. Oregano oil.  Also antimicrobial.
  9. Wash your hands all the time.  Don't touch your face.
Lots of talk about relationships, and being able to look at your own issues.  Just because you're flawed, it doesn't mean you're less than or not good.

Helping Your Kids Get Healthy

Parents would rather talk to their kids about sex than their weight.  You have to talk to them.  You have to use "we" instead of "you" when you're talking to them.  How you talk to them about it is key.
  1. You need to change your ways.  You are their primary role model.  You need to get healthy and prioritize your own wellness.
  2. Talk to your kid.  Make it a family affair.  "I want us to be healthier."  Don't single them out.  No one gets the Fruit Loops.  Bring in healthier foods.  Give your kids treat foods once a week.  The majority of their foods should be "better for them" choices.  Prioritize your organic dollars on dairy and meat.
  3. Portion size.  You don't need to give them enormous portions.  
  4. Make the healthier snacks available for kids and accessible.  Build their environment around healthy activities.  Create an environment that's conducive to activity.
  5. Limit screen time to two hours a day.  Watching a television can actually turn on obese genes.
  6. Get outside and play!  Take them to the park.  
  7. Find activities they like to do.
  8. Positive feedback.  Give them compliments about their exercising.  Praise effort, not success.
  9. Teach PE with a group of parent friends.

Barbara - having trouble maintaining her weight.  She was on a low-carb diet.  She lost her weight in a way that's not sustainable.  She needs to eat less, move more, and eat the best quality food possible.  She needs to count calories.  Barbara wants to be a "normal" person that can eat cheeseburgers.  She needs to figure out her calorie allowance for the day and eat within the calorie limit.  Jillian will send her the book Slim for Life.  Lucky Barbara!

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We're 100! A few golden nuggets from the past 100 shows. Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show Podcast.

Podcast published on January 14, 2013.

This is the 100th Jillian Michaels Show podcast!  Jillian talked about how she is puked on/pooped on/having boogers wiped on her.  Janice mentioned that Jillian changed as a host of the show.  She started feeling the need to call people.

  1. Ginger's Eggs.  Janice talked about how her relative has a chicken was part of a group of chickens.  They call Heidi.  She doesn't know, though she took a class about raising chickens.  They are a flock.
  2. The pronunciation of "produce."  It's pronounced differently in Canada and the United States.  Jillian doesn't believe her.  So, they call a supermarket in Canada.  The pronunciation was difficult to hear.
  3. Fifty Shades of Gray.  Janice read the dirty pages of it.  They call the Barnes & Noble and talk to Peter and ask him why it is so popular.  He said that he thinks media exposure made it more popular.  Then, they call Jillian's friend Andi.  She said that it provides permission to talk about having relations under the guise of literature.
  4. Daily Dose.  There's an episode about fall beauty tips in which Janice put a banana in her pants, but it was edited, so it's odd that it's there.  They called Jillian's mom, even though a dishwasher was being installed at her house.  Jillian asked if Jillian ever pulled a doll out of her pants like she was having a baby or put a banana in her pants.
They've had some great guests like Suze Orman, Danica Patrick, Tara Mohr, Suzanne Sommers, Myrtle Potter, and Dr. VanHerle.  Dr. V's Top Seven have been very popular.  Favorite was the Top Seven Things Found in Your Toilet.  Everyone should check what comes out into the toilet.  What comes out tells us about our metabolism and what's happening in your body.  Janice remixed the top seven so that it quickly listed a bunch of different kinds of poo.

The rest of the show played some of the funniest highlights from the past 100 shows.  Very funny!

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Biggest Loser Debut, Food Quiz Time. Notes from the Jillian Michaels Podcast

Podcast posted on December 28, 2012

Biggest Loser Debut

Get excited!  The Biggest Loser Debut is going to be a two-night premiere.  Compelling studies of people overcoming their demons.

Talk of lawsuits and fighting impulsivity.  If you have a chicken little in your life, how is it affecting you?  If it's taxing on you, you might need to detox your life from that.  Put yourself in a supportive environment, and you will make new friends.

Food Quiz

  1. How many calories in a pound?  3500 calories per pound
  2. Some red food dye is made from bugs.  True.  Labeled as carmine.
  3. Pink slime is...beef treated with ammonia.
  4. Which has the most salt?  Raisin Bran has 300-some mg of salt.  More than potato chips or a piece of American cheese.  Yikes!
  5. Which cocktail contains something that treats malaria?  Gin and Tonic.  The tonic does it.
  6. What is trans fat?  Fat that has a hydrogen atom added to it.
  7. What is xantham gum?  It's a binder.  Made from bacteria that feed on corn and soy.  They "think" that it's non toxic.
  8. Propelyne glycol is a food additive. You can also find it in antifreeze.  It's in your toothpaste.  It keeps things from drying out.
  9. What's better?  Multi-grain, whole grain, or enriched grain?  Whole grain.  It needs to say 100 percent whole grain.
  10. All processed food is bad.  False.  Frozen vegetables are good.
  11. What is the ideal ratio of protein, carbs, and fat you should be eating?  Protein - 40 percent, Carbs  30 percent, Fat 30 percent.
  12. How much water should you drink?  Drink enough until your pee looks like lemonade.  If it looks like apple juice, keep drinking.
We have no idea what we're eating.

Beth - Has a 14 month old.  Needs recipe ideas for toddlers.  Fresh Start by Tyler Florence is a good resource.  Baeba Cook baby food maker.  Mix organic vanilla yogurt with fruit puree.  Jillian also recommends bribing.  Offer a cookie if the child eats all of the chicken or whatever.  Kale chips.  Barlene's lemon merengue fish oil. 

Caller doing Body Revolution.  Wanted to know about timing workouts and eating.  Really, there's no effect.  You don't want a lot of starch right before you go to sleep.  About two hours before you go to bed, you want to avoid starchy carbs.  Whenever you can fit it in is the best time to fit it in.  In a perfect world, you should do the workout at the same time every day.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Stop Waiting To Live Your Life - How To Build a Booty - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show Podcast

Podcast was published on January 7, 2013.

Jillian and Janice recapped the hellishness of the holidays.  Janice talked about how she bought Christmas decorations in anticipation of having the perfect home.  That would be a log home.  A house like Michael Landon's home.  She can't afford it, but she's acquiring things in anticipation.  Jillian wants her to be happy with where she's at.

Life is now.  People have to love you now for who you are.  Oh my, there was a lot of talking about having stuff and how that affects happiness.  Jillian worries about not being able to take care of everyone in her world.

Jillian made Janice call someone to invite them over for tea.  The alternative was to sign up for match.com.  Jillian wants all listeners to take a risk and reach out to someone.

Kitchen Essentials that Will Help You Keep Slim

  1. Kitchen scale - Use for one or two weeks, and you'll start to be able to eyeball portions.  Weigh your food when it's raw.  It cooks down in size, but it still has all of the calories once it's cooked.
  2. Measuring cups - Use to measure cereal.
  3. Oil mister - If you have iron pans, you'll need this
  4. Steamer - Great way to prepare your foods.  Cheap and easy.  Saves you a ton of calories.
  5. Herb mill - Shred fresh herbs.  Jillian got this for Christmas instead of a chocolate Santa.
  6. Muffin tin - Make fattening things in small sizes.  It's portion control!
  7. Dab off your food.  You can save about 200 calories by patting off the extra oil on your food at restaurants.
  8. Chill things.  Then the congealed fat comes to the top.  Just scrape it off and you're saving a ton of calories.

Mara - Wants a juicy booty.  You can't tell your body where to lose and gain fat.  You can try to build muscle.  She needs a calorie surplus, and needs to exercise with heavy weights.  The extra calories are used to repair muscle.  Eat about 10 percent more than you're burning in a day.  Lift the lower body with heavy weight.  Do deep squats with weight, lunges.  Don't eat crap food.  Eat protein. It's going to take at least six months.

Vanessa - Has really low energy.  Needs to go see an endocrinologist or a gynecologist.  She has really bad PMS.  Low sodium, no alcohol, and primrose oil can help.  Vanessa is beyond that.  She may have something more serious going on.  She needs to have her bloodwork checked, and check for cysts.  For water weight, you want high potassium food like coconut water, bananas, leafy greens.  Reduce your sodium, avoid alcohol, have some grass-fed red meat, take primrose oil.  Getting in control of your biochemistry will also help with issues down the road.

Janice shared that she still gets her period although she's 53.  Jillian was uncomfortable.  Janice said that Jillian has issues with "the area."  The end of this show was super hilarious.  As always, talk of passing gas.  Worth a listen!  

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Holiday Survival Mode - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Podcast

Staying fit during the holidays.  The obligatory segment.

Food - Your attitude during the whole time period is what's important.

  1. Pick a few days that you're going to indulge.  Not every day.  Pick a couple of key days.  Jillian is giving you two days.
  2. When you go to the parties, don't go hungry.  Bring something healthy.  Don't drink too much.  Not a good idea to get wasted at your company party either.  Janice shared that she stuck a paper maiche reindeer up her boss's wife's skirt.  Don't drink more than two drinks at a party.  The drinking wreaks havoc on everything.
  3. Make healthy swaps.  Healthy green beans instead of green bean casserole.  Use common sense.
  4. Don't go for seconds.
  5. Brush your teeth with Colgate Whisps so you don't want to eat anymore.
  6. Chew gum.  New brand called Spry that only has xylitol is great.  Distracts you.
  7. Gargle with sugar water.  It tells your mind that you've had a treat.
  8. Imagine yourself eating protein.  If it sounds good, you're probably really hungry.  If it doesn't, you're probably not.
  9. Throw away the junk food in your house.  Ruin it so you can't go back in the trash and rescue it.
  10. Fitness:  You know you can do things from online with resistance tubes.  There's nothing you can't do in a 4x4 space with your own body weight.
Fitness Gifts
  • Trek Desk Treadmill Desk.  Not cheap, but goes over any treadmill that you have.  You can work and walk at the same time.
  • Body Revolution.  90-day weight loss.
  • Monster headphones.  You can swim with them!
  • Body Media Arm Fit Band.
  • Belkin Fast Fit IPhone case.  $20
  • Garmin, Motoactive Heart Rate Monitor
  • Pocket Pedometer
  • iBike.  You can put your iPhone on your road bike.
  • Sky Caddy SPXW GPS.  Precisely surveyed golf course maps.  Gives lots of tips.
Peeing Black

A caller exercised a ton, and she peed black!  The breakdown of muscle fibers leads to the breakdown of muscle fibers into the blood stream.  Now she's super scared to work out.  Jillian said it's rare.  There's zero regulation with Crossfit.  It's metabolic resistance training.  Jillian is going to send this girl Body Revolution.