Monday, April 29, 2013

Making Friends is Hard to Do

Aired on April 8, 2013.

It's hard to make friends as you get older.  It seems like as you get older, you've locked in your group of friends.  When you transform your life, you outgrow a lot of relationships.  Joining a group for something you're interested in is a great way to make friends.  Take a fresh look at your neighbors, co-workers, classmates.

Once you've met someone who is like-minded, get to know their friends.  Don't be afraid to be vulnerable and "ask out" a new friend.

Sometimes you have to give up your old "playthings," and "playgrounds" so that you don't slide back into bad habits.

Janice was eating Reeses!  Jillian told her to get Unreal peanut butter cups instead.

Reasons Why People Give Up the Gym

  1. A new relationship.  Frequent exercisers have more feelings of desire.  You HAVE to keep working out because it will improve your relationship.  Women who do their own thing in the context of the relationship have better relationships.  You can also be more active with your partner.
  2. You've been sidelined by an injury.  Some people don't want to go if they can't do 100 percent.  You have to just show up and do it.
  3. You fall out of your routine for some reason.  You have to just jump back in.  Make plans with a friend so you just have to do it.  Think about how much better you'll feel when it's over.

Bring them with you.
  1. Hard-boiled eggs.  You can devil them.  Put them in a Tupperware container and take it with you.
  2. Freeze-dried fruit.  It doesn't have the extra sugar in it.  Have some nuts with it, but don't go crazy.
  3. Cheese sticks.  Pack them with some whole-wheat crackers.
  4. Pop Chips.  Yummy.  Get the baked ones.
  5. Almond butter packets.
  6. Jerky.  Try to get it organic so it doesn't have MSG or smoke-flavored stuff.
  7. 22 Days Bar.  Get one that's around 200 calories and has protein.
The Love Doctor

Nicole called.  She's back in school for interior design.  Keeping busy can be an excuse for not taking the time to be vulnerable and meet someone.  She needs to remind herself of her worth, so if she meets someone that's crazy, it's not devastating.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Are you a co-signer? Artificial sweeteners.

Aired on April 22, 2013

People enable each other for various reasons.  Sometimes it's uncomfortable to call people out.  We enable them because it affords us something.

Seven Tests of True Strength

  1. Long Jump.  Jump as far forward as you can and measure it.  An ordinary person jumps.  Males do six feet or less.  Above average is 6-8 feet.  If you're super fit, it's 8+ feet.
  2. Squat, stand up and bicep curl, and then press over your head.  Use dumbbells that are about 30 percent of your body weight.  Super fit is 16 reps in a minute.  Incredibly fit is 20 plus reps in a minute.
  3. One controlled wall squat.  See how far you can lower your body without touching the wall or falling backward.  Great shape is if you can do a full squat.  Average is if you can get half way down.  Ordinary is less than half way.
  4. Dead lift.  A squatting dead lift.  Ordinary fitness can do body weight.  Super fit is 1 3/4 of your body weight.  You need to know how to do this before you try it.
  5. Pushup with claps.  The average person can do ten with no clap.  The over average person can do 5 clapping pushups.  Super fit can do 10 clapping pushups.
  6. Hold plank on the forearms and the balls of your feet.  Ordinary is a minute or less.  Above average is 2-3 minutes.  A super fit person can do 3 minutes or more.
  7. Beep test.  Download the Beep Test app.  Run from one cone to another.  An ordinary person can get back and forth 9 times.  
Artificial Sweeteners

Sarah called to ask Jillian about losing her last 20 pounds.  She recently lost 60 pounds, most of it baby weight.  Once a week she has a diet coke, and sometimes uses Sweet and Low in her coffee.  She also has hypothyroidism.

Artificial sweeteners can make you want to eat more.  They train your body not to recognize sugar as calories.  Jillian suggests just using sugar.

Her husband has Type-2 Diabetes.  She made a sugar-free cheesecake for him and used Stevia.  Current research shows that Stevia is non-toxic.  The only problem is that it can make you a little gassy.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Posts may contain my affiliate links.  Using them will help to promote this site.  Thank you!

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Stigma Around Therapy & The Skinny on Supplements

First aired on May 27, 2011


Jillian has been going to the same therapist for a while.  It's a safe place for her.  It's where she can go and unravel.  She doesn't understand why there is so much stigma attached to therapy.

Her mom brought her to therapy when she was five.  She was starting to see things.

Therapy is a journey of self-exploration where you learn to understand why you do the things you do.  Therapy helps you see how you hold yourself back so you can get out of your own way.

Therapists have to put in hours before they get their degrees.  Google LOW FEE THERAPY in your area.  It could be $15-$20/hour.  You could try Overeaters Anonymous or any type of twelve-step approach.


Getting your nutrients from food is not enough.  Because the soil is so depleted, our food has fewer nutrients.  If you're growing your own or you eat organic, this isn't so much of an issue.

We often don't vary our diet enough.  We are creatures of habit, and we eat the same thing all of the time.  This means that supplementation is important.

You can supplement all different types of things.  What should you look out for?

  1. Multivitamin.  A quality multivitamin is expensive.  You don't want to go buy something cheap that's $9 for 100.  They suck.  New Chapter Organic, and Rainbow are great brands, but they're expensive.  You should be able to get a month's supply for $30-$40.  Pick your multi based on gender.  Women lose iron from menstruation, men do not.  Therefore women's formulas have more iron.
  2. Probiotic.  Healthy bacteria.  Unless you can afford organic yogurt, you shouldn't be eating yogurt.  They have tons of hormones and antibiotics.   Good bacteria are responsible for immunity, digestion.  We eat tons of stuff with antibiotics, and it's killing the good bacteria in our body.
  3. Omega-3s.  If you can't stand seafood, this might be a good idea.  Do research online to find a good one.
  4. Vitamin D.  Good idea.  Take 1000-5000 IUs of Vitamin D.  Ask your doctor to do a test to see how much Vitamin D you need.  Fifteen minutes of sunlight during non-peak hours is also a good idea.
  5. Calcium and Magnesium together.  Magnesium helps absorb the calcium.


Lady who wants to lose weight has tendonitis.  Jillian wants her to see a physical therapist.  They will really be able to help her.  She should have her doctor write her a prescription for physical therapy.

Another lady just adopted a baby!  The birth mom has Type-2 Diabetes.  Jillian says you can change the expression of your genetics based upon your input.  Kids are a product of nature AND nurture.  The more she knows about the birth family, the better.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Posts may contain my affiliate links.  Using them will help to promote this site.  Thank you!

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.