Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What are the enemies of being great?

The Enemies of Being Great - from Forbes magazine

Availability - Being too quick to take something that's available or offered instead of sitting with nothing.  Exercise the power of no and have faith that the right thing will come along.  If you take the wrong thing, it can cause more problems in the long run than its worth.  Don't just go with what's available, because then you're coming from a place of fear.

Ignorance - Don't take action without information.  It's like taking a wrecking ball to your world.  Make informed choices that will lead to results.  Come at the action with informed choices.

Comfort - A dangerous place to be because you get apathetic.  Risk is terrifying.  If you never take the risk, you will always lose.  If you're sitting in a job you don't like instead of starting your own business when you really want to, that's a sacrifice.  Don't allow comfort to be enough.

Passivity - Listen to your internal voice that warns you when something is a bad idea.  When you know something is a bad idea and you do it anyway, you're going to pay for it.  A lot of women don't want to have others think they are a b*tch.

Five Stealth Health Foods

Celery - Four sticks of celery a day can lower blood pressure a little bit.  Janice suggested ants on a log, and Janice told her that she hates it.  Raisins and dry fruit suck.

Seaweed - Packed with healthy nutrients and calcium.  Good for vegans who need a source of calcium.  You can get it in sushi or buy the sheets of seaweed.  Also has a lot of potassium.

Hemp Seeds - Flax is really estrogenic.  Hemp is great because it has omega-3s and provides all of the essential amino acids.

Scallops - Almost 80 percent protein.  Just a 3 oz serving has 20 grams of protein and only 95 calories.  Loaded with magnesium and potassium.

Dark Meat - So good for you!  Healthy fats, and the saturated fat in it has zero impact on your cholesterol.  An ounce of dark meat only has 8 more calories than an ounce of white meat.

Lots of talk about toots.  Of course!  Jillian's children have some major gas.

Cool Skinny Tips

Vitamin D - People who start a weight loss program with higher levels of Vitamin D lose more weight. Vitamin D boosts the effects of leptin in the body.  Take a Vitamin D3 supplement.  Or, go outside for about 10 minutes during non-peak hours.

Manage Peer Pressure - Happens with alcohol all of the time.  If your friends are drinking and you're not, it becomes an issue.  If Jillian stops drinking for two weeks, she'll lose 5 pounds.  You've got to say no, and use a firm tone.  Say, "Don't say this to me again."  If you do it right, you only have to endure the un-comfortability for a little bit.

License to Splurge - People think that if they exercise a lot they can chow down.  This isn't true.  Use your head and think calories in, calories out.

Nature - Counties with more nature have lower obesity rates.  People who walk outside go faster and feel less exertion.  Try to get outdoors as much as possible.

Standing Up - The action of sitting up or laying down may actually speed up the production of fat.  Just stand up if you can.


Are ten minute bursts of exercise as good as 60 minutes of exercise?  NO.  You need to do at least 20 minutes of exercise.  30 is better.  45 is a dream.  Your body doesn't start releasing the fat-burning hormones if you've only exercised for 10 minutes.  The longer you train, and the intensity of your training affect your after-burn.  It also takes a little bit for your body to burn through the available glucose instead of going into the fat stores.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Some Moms Are Damned If They Do and Damned If They Don't - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show Podcast

Moms - Getting Criticized Left and Right

A woman put her seven-year-old on a diet and is getting a lot of criticism.  Jessica Simpson is also getting a lot of criticism for gaining weight while pregnant.  You don't need to lose the body at all.   You will gain 25-40 pounds when pregnant.  If you maintain your fitness during the pregnancy, your body will bounce right back.

Gaining excess weight makes natural childbirth more difficult.  It can be more difficult to place the epidural.  You are adding fat cells to your fetus.  Your baby smells the flavors of the foods that you eat. If you eat good things, it will make kids want healthy foods when they're older.  The foods you eat can have a dramatic impact on their behavior, the way they sleep, etc.  The better you eat, the better able your child is to develop health.  Excess weight gain is really hard on the mother, and a disservice to the kid.

We have so much pressure to be a size 0.  It used to be size 6, and now it's size 0 or 2.  But then, people say things like "you're eating for two."   People totally bash moms for all kinds of stuff.  Using formula instead of breastfeeding?  You will be criticized.  Use an epidural?  You will be bashed.  It's demonizing.  Pregnancies and parenting is unique in every situation.  We are so quick to jump on moms about being crappy.

Jillian talked about the interview in which she said she thought that being pregnant would ruin her body.  At the time, she was talking about IVF, but it was taken as being against pregnant moms.  She also didn't want to be puking all of the time, totally physically exhausted.  The concept of giving birth is also very scary.  It's okay to say you're scared or worried about it.  We need to stop judging each other. There's room for improvement for every parent out there.  Instead of being super critical, you should think of ways that you can support other moms.

Parenting and motherhood can be like a carte blanche for criticizing.  Solidarity, ladies!

New Disorders - Creating Awareness

If you notice that a friend might be suffering from one of these disorders, you might try to gently talk to them about it.  You can direct them to seek professional help.

Food is about control.  If you have an overweight teen, don't make an issue of it.  Some kids in nursery school won't go to the bathroom all day or they won't eat certain things to exert their own control.  Even as adults we're still controlling things with food.

  • Pregorexia - Some women try to not gain weight while pregnant although you are meant to gain 25-40 pounds while pregnant.  At least 6 pounds of that will be body fat.  Some women start to diet and work out more while they're pregnant.  It's a great disservice to yourself and your baby.  It's coming from a tremendous amount of social pressure, but it's setting the child up for an increased chance of birth defects.
  • Orthorexia - Obsession with healthy or righteous eating.  Only eat organic foods.  Or eliminate an entire food group.  Paleo and vegan people can fall into this category.  If you suggest that the diet might not be optimal, you may be threatening their way of life.  If you find that you are militant about a certain way of eating, there may be an issue.
  • Anorexia athletica - Someone that's addicted to exercise.
  • Drunkorexia - Drinking your calories.  You don't eat so that you can have alcoholic beverages.  Almost 30 percent of female college students exhibit this kind of behavior.  Risk of being compromised or unsafe, and liver disease.  Eat before you go out.

C-section rehabilitation.  There's a lot of emotion tied up with this.  Jillian thinks we psychosomatically hold on to weight in the c-section surgery area.  
  • Do high-intensity intervals.  Do something very metabolic.  Twenty to thirty minutes.  
  • Throw in a mat pilates DVD and yoga.  They are the best for rebuilding your core.  
  • Drink a lot of water, keep you sodium down.  Coconut water is good because it has a lot of potassium and will flush sodium out.  
  • Don't drink alcohol.  That will make a huge difference.  
  • Jillian is going to send her Making the Cut.  It's about shedding the last ten pounds.  
  • The more you think "this has ruined my stomach," the more you will use it as an excuse.  There are a lot of complex emotions mixed up with it.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Getting to Know Jillian's 80/20 Rule - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show Podcast

New Jillian Michaels book coming out in February!  270 pages of tips and wonderfulness.  Easy lifestyle strategies for you to get to slim and avoid pitfalls.

80/20 Rule

  • Need to follow the tips 80 percent of the time.  
  • Make five meals great and one meal not so great.  
  • You could also make 20 percent of your daily calorie allowance treat foods.  
  • Jillian would prefer that your treats are chemical free.  
  • You can't live perfectly all of the time, it's not possible.  
  • Eat really well 80 percent of the time.
  • Don't live for the treats.  You have to have rewards other than food.
Six Ways to Cancer-Proof Your Home

A lot of chemicals that cause cancer also dramatically impact the way your body burns and stores fat.

  • Get rid of your non-stick cookware.  Teflon is toxic if heated over 350 degrees or if it's scratched.  Use cast iron, copper, ceramic, titanium.  Use an olive oil mister.  Lightly grease the pan with organic butter.  The longer you cook the food in the oil, the more the oil gets into the food.  Jillian cooks broccoli in the microwave.  You don't want to overcook it or undercook it.
  • Makeup.  It has a lot of chemicals in it.  There are a lot of green brands now.  Go to paigepadgett.com, and she has all of the green brands listed.  You can use olive oil to moisturize your face.  Use brown sugar for a scrub.  Avocado's a good moisturizer.
  • You don't need bottled water.  You can check the quality of your tap water online.  The plastics in bottled water is super bad for you.  Don't ever heat your food in plastic.  Use a metal water bottle.  Microwave your food in glass or ceramic.
  • Clean Green.  Go online and search for green cleaning.  There's a ton of things you can do with lemon, vinegar, baking soda, olive oil.  You can clean about anything with these ingredients.
  • Paint.  You want VOC-free paint.  Mythic is a good brand.
  • Gardening chemicals.  No.  Garden organically.
Fitness Studies - Takeaways
  • Exercise boosts your brain power.  Interval training is supposed to improve your memory.  In addition to all of the other interval training health benefits.  Do 30 seconds on, one minute off.  Check your heart rate.  Subtract your age from 220 to get your maximum heart rate.  You want to work at 85 percent of that number.  When your recovery comes down to about 65 percent, you want to start again with the intensity.  Put your fingers on your wrist to check your pulse.
  • Exercise can suppress hunger.  Perceived feeling of fullness was higher for those that did 12 weeks of aerobic exercise.
  • Mom's caretaker is feeding her really bad food.  How to tell her that the cooking needs to be healthier?  Jillian will send her the Master Your Metabolism cookbook.  The point of entry is to tell her that she's worried about her mom's health.  If she is not receptive, there's a bigger problem.  
More discussions about who farted and what it smelled like at the end of the show.  And a huge fart noise.  Gotta love it!

This podcast was recorded on 12/1/12.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jillian and The Biggest Loser - Can You Be Fit and Fat? - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show Podcast

The producers of The Biggest Loser all got fired.  They started to ask Jillian to come back.  She made a list of things that were acceptable to her, and a list of things that were unacceptable to her.  She had all of the unacceptable things taken out of her contract.  She thinks she underestimated the role she had on The Biggest Loser and the impact it had on her audience.  They're going to have a kid on each team, and are focusing on childhood obesity.  More discussion on the podcast, check it out!

Can You Be Fit and Fat?

  • "Skinny fat" - High body fat content, but slim.  Extremely unhealthy.  Just because a person is smaller, doesn't mean they're healthy.
  • Things that will make you healthy - quality food and exercise.
    • Quality food - it can be like medicine!
    • Exercise - Cleans the body and helps many facets than your life.
  • Eating bad food and being sedentary will make you obese.
  • You can still have extra weight, but be fit.
  • Size is not indicative of wellness.
Re-inventing Potatoes
  • A baked potato is only 150 calories and could have antioxidants.  Skip butter, use greek yogurt instead of sour cream, and put some chives on it.
  • Potato salad - there's a vinegar-based version which is much healthier.  If you still need creaminess, use non-fat yogurt.
  • Make your own fries.  Bake them, don't fry them.  Cut them up, spritz them with olive oil, bake them at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.
  • Mashed potatoes - No butter and whole milk.  Use non-fat milk and no butter.  Boil potato in low-sodium chicken broth to get more flavor.

A lady called in, and she's massively overtraining.  Jillian will be sending her DVDs!

When you're trying to lose weight, you don't want a calorie deficit of over 500 calories, or your body will go into emergency mode and adapt for starvation purposes.  Your metabolism will change, and not for the better.

There will always be stuff on your body you don't like.  Seriously.  Even Jillian doesn't like her own booty.

This podcast is from 10/6/12.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Making failures work - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show Podcast

This podcast was recorded on 11/10/12.

Failure Role-Models - people who failed many times
  1. Bill Gates - dropped out of Harvard
  2. Steve Jobs - also dropped out of school and was fired from his own company
  3. Thomas Edison - did over 9000 experiments before inventing the lightbulb
  4. Harrison Ford - auditioned thousands of times before getting any roles
  5. Michael Jordan - cut from the high school basketball team
  6. Albert Einstein - got terrible grades, and was thought to be mentally retarded
  7. Steven Spielberg - was placed in learning disabled classes in high school and then dropped out of school forever.
  8. John Grisham - his first novel was rejected by sixteen agents and twelve publishing houses
  9. Mark Cherry - shopped Desperate Housewives for ten years before anyone would take it
  10. Abraham Lincoln - twelve major political failures before becoming the President of the United States
A lot of people are terrified to fail.  Failure is such an important part of success.  Some are afraid that failure is validation of their own worthlessness.  They also worry that if they fail, they will be such a disappointment that they will become unlovable.  The key is to get back up.

Success is a matter of attrition.  You have to keep trying, but you can't always do the same thing over and over again.  You have to change something and try to improve.  That's how a mistake is a learning experience.  Utilize information from your failures.  The only true failure is not trying.

People you admire have failed many times.  If you don't try, you create a void of nothingness, which is the biggest failure of all.

If the Shoe Fits - importance of properly-fitting shoes for exercise
  • Make sure that the shoe is a half an inch longer than your longest toe.
  • Get the shoe about a half a size larger than you'd normally wear.
  • The forefoot shouldn't be crowded.  If it's crowded, you need a wider shoe.
  • You want a snug fit around the heel.  You heel should not come up out of the shoe.
  • Measure the shoes to your bigger foot.
  • You can lace your shoes in certain ways that will help with shoe fit issues.
  • Get shoes that are specific for your sport.  Don't wear cross trainers when you're running.
  • Go to a running store and have them check your gait.
  • Don't buy foot gear online unless you already know the shoe. 
Digestive Download - myths about dieting and the digestive process
  • Dieting does not shrink your stomach.  You cannot change the size of this organ.  It's influenced by genetics.
  • Meat - No, it does not take years to digest.  It is out of your stomach within six hours or less.
  • How often should you go to the bathroom?  Up to three times a day.  If you're going to less than three times a week, that's a big problem and you need to see a doctor.  Papaya is a digestive enzyme.
  • Colon flushes - NO!  This is a bad idea.  Your body is not designed for this.
  • You shouldn't eat 30 minutes before exercising.  Have a small snack 45-60 minutes before exercise.
A man with a new baby called in about exercise vs. getting some sleep.  Jillian recommended four workouts a week, and then the rest of the time, prioritize sleep.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jillian's Tricks and Treats. Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show Podcast.

Very funny opening segment about how Jillian went to a pumpkin patch with her kids.   She gives her kid Barlene's Lemon Merengue flavored fish oil and tells her it's candy.  Hehe!

  • Unreal - make versions of Snickers, Milky Way, etc.  You can get them at the drugstores.  No HFCS, no hydrogenated oil.  It's just sugar and fat, not the chemically stuff.
  • OCHO - make clean candy bars.
  • Paul Newman - makes peanut butter cups.
  • Sundrops - organic chocolate covered peanuts.
  • Celebrate the holiday!  Go to Halloween events, read Halloween stories.  Learn about the tradition and culture.  It doesn't all have to be about the bad food.
Everyone talked about the bad things that people could give out to trick-or-treaters...like pennies or pencils.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  1. Early Detection.  You can change the mortality rate by 50 percent if you just catch it early.  Get your regular checkups.  Do the self-exam, regularly.  Do it regularly, because the cancer can grow quickly.  If you catch things earlier, it's so much easier to manage.  85 percent of breast cancer cases that occur have NO family history.
  2. Go Organic!  Pesticides are linked to breast cancer.  The Dirty Dozen are the thin-skinned fruits and veggies that are the worst.  If you can't afford the organic fruits and veggies, don't buy the thin-skinned ones.  Eat an orange.  The Clean 15 has thicker skins or natural insecticides.  Prioritize the organic dollars on grass-fed beef, ocean-caught fish, dairy, avoid soy.
  3. Sleep.  You have to sleep.  If you get fewer than six hours of sleep a night, you get low-grade inflammation.  Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night.  If you have to choose between sleep and exercise, sleep.
  4. Alcohol.  Extremely estrogenic.  Not good.  One small, small caveat is red wine.  You don't want more than 4 oz per night maximum.  They think it may mimic the effects of estrogen lowering drugs.
  5. Exercise.  Boosts your immune system, keeps free radicals in check and helps you maintain your weight.  Lowers fat, which makes more estrogen in doctor.
  6. IVF, Birth Control pills.  Read studies first.  Can predispose you to breast cancer and ovarian cancer later in life.  Use condoms.
  7. Food.  
    1. Boost fiber content.  
    2. Omega-3s - Barlene's.  Inhibits inflammation.
    3. Pomegranate 

Caller with sleep-related eating disorder called.   It was awesome.  You should download the podcast so you can hear it.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Taking a Good Look Around You - Notes from the Jillian Michaels Show Podcast

In the first session Jillian and Janice talked about evacuating and planning for emergencies.

Top Seven Things to do in an Emergency Situation - by Dr. Van Herle

1.  Learn how to take vital signs.  Most people don't know how to do this.

    • Are they breathing?  Put your ear down - Do you feel a breath?  Can you see an expansion of the lungs.  
    • Radial pulse - go from your thumb right down to that other place.  You want to use your second and third finger.  If that doesn't work, you can go to the neck.  It could cause a stroke though.  Look at the end of the jawbone and march your way to that little corner.  Even if you don't have a watch, you can count out how many beats you count in a minute.  (Okay, I totally didn't understand any of this stuff.  Sorry.  I tried type in exactly what they said, but...I'm not getting it.)  Sixty to eighty beats per minute means someone is in trouble.  We don't want to see pulses under 50-60 bpm unless you know that the person is super fit.  If you give a vital sign when you call paramedics, they will know that that person needs to be triaged immediately.
2.  Chest pain.  Give 325 mg of aspirin.  Have the person chew them up.  If they can't chew them, you put it under their tongue.  The coated aspirin isn't as good because it doesn't absorb as quickly.  Asprin thins the blood and tells the clotting cells not to stick to each other.  Enteric coated aspirins.

3.  Cleaning wounds.  Use hydrogen peroxide.  Cleans out exactly what we see could be a new bacteria or virus in a wound.  Keep hydrogen peroxide available.  It's super cheap.  It's okay to use hydrogen peroxide if you have a wound.

4.  Learn CPR.  Have fire, police, and paramedics programmed into your phone.  911 doesn't work on a cell phone.  If you do get ahold of the responders, they can track you via your phone.

5.  Bacterial infection from raw sewage.  Keep bismuth sulfate (Pepto Bismol) on hand.  It kills the bacteria.  

6.  Cooling head down.  If someone feels sick, and you don't know what it's from, get their head cooler with a cold compress.  Put it on their head and the nape of the neck.

7.  The doctor also talked about using a tourniquet.  If you're interested, you're going to have to check out the podcast yourself.  I don't think I had a good enough understanding of what she was saying to write it down here.

Weight loss is calories in, calories out.  
  • The quality of your food will keep you from getting cancer, heart disease, etc.  
  • Food would be medicine if you ate really quality food.  
  • Quality food will naturally optimize your metabolism.  
  • You will see a cumulative effect over time if you're eating yucky food.  
  • If you eat clean, and eat 1200 calories per day, you'll lose more weight than if you eat 1200 calories of chemically foods.  
  • Chemicals in foods can cause all sorts of illnesses.  
  • If you're not eating clean, you'll have to work so much harder and create a major calorie deficit.
  • It's all about optimizing your metabolism in the long run, and getting the most out of your metabolism at this moment.
Jillian ripped on Janice for being a bad representative for Canadians.

I did my best to compile these notes from the show.  If there are any errors, please send me an email, and I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.  I am not a doctor, personal trainer, dietician, or anything that would remotely qualify me to give advice about health, medicine, or anything else.  Please consult a professional before following any advice.  This site is a summary of information provided on the Jillian Michaels Podcast that was compiled to the best of my ability.  I am not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors.

Photo from Empowered Media/ITunes.